By: Dominic Doruem Nwagbaraocha
Yesterday I was involved in a conversation about energy management, how this is the best way to increase productivity and how time management can be useless without Energy Management.
Why do I say this, there is a bigger influence of energy on productivity vs time, when you understand the times of the day you feel more energetic and you apply the 80/20 rule to your task based on your energy levels you would see unusual results.
Time is constrictive because there are set times to do set things. Energy is flexible because there is an element of choice to do certain tasks at certain times.
Do an energy audit, this will help you know where to apply yourselves better and when. Know your self and the conditions of the environment, I like to start with the big task – kill them and focus on the small ones, because my energy levels would be higher in the morning, but this is different for Mondays because – traffic levels on particular days could reduce your energy levels in the morning.
So, if you can complete your task during your working ours why not use time left to re-energize, build relationships and spend time with family. Why stay back with energy that will give a productivity less than 10%.
Also, if you are that evening person, then use for morning time for brainstorming gathering energy and doing the small task, then close the big ones when your energy level is tops.
So, if you feel staying longer hours at your workplace makes you look hardworking, I think that’s the height of workplace deceit.
I know persons who have been tagged as not serious or committed to business because they didn’t stay back at work or worked late into the night (showed green on teams at 1am).
Dominic is a process & quality consultant with over 10 years’ experience leading various continuous improvement in world-class organizations. founder of Doruem Process Services and Co-Founder to Nodal Point Engineering, with core competence in manufacturing excellence and digital manufacturing.
You can reach him on LinkedIn here.