The quality control cycle is a repeating cycle revolving around the production process. In the PDCA model, this incorporates four elements: Plan, Do, Check, and Act. Once a product is updated, the cycle begins again for the updated product, which is subjected to the same rigorous quality control process. Scroll down for more details...

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The quality control cycle is a repeating cycle revolving around the production process. In the PDCA model, this incorporates four elements: Plan, Do, Check, and Act. Once a product is updated, the cycle begins again for the updated product, which is subjected to the same rigorous quality control process. 

In this book, you will learn how quality control circles (QCC) are considered revolutionary tools for the involvement of the workforce to voluntarily meet various business objectives. You will be exposed to the concept of quality improvement, cost minimization, and productivity improvement of the workplace which will greatly enhance your quality control skills.

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