Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that relies on a team effort to improve performance by systematically removing waste and reducing variation or eliminating defects. It combines lean enterprise and Six Sigma, which are techniques to eliminate the eight wastes (muda). Lean Six Sigma, aside from reducing process defects and waste, also provides a framework for overall organizational change of culture. The introduction of Lean Six Sigma helps in shaping the mind-set of employees and managers to one that focuses on growth and continuous improvement through process optimization of their manufacturing or business processes thereby maximizing their efficiency and increasing profitability. In order to successfully implement Lean Six Sigma, a combination of tools from both lean manufacturing and Six Sigma must be used. These tools are discussed in this book in details. Reading this book would enable you gain thorough understanding of lean six sigma and, equip you with lean six sigma tools and techniques for waste reduction, defects elimination and complete process improvement. This book is written for business leaders, managers and supervisors at all levels, quality management professionals of any industry, management systems auditors, large, medium and small-scale business owners/entrepreneurs and anyone who desire to improve their knowledge of lean six sigma implementation. Lean Six Sigma practitioners of all levels such as the White, Yellow, Green, Black & Master Black holders would find this book invaluable. After payment, you will immediately receive an email with a link to download the eBook.

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