यह पुस्तक इस बारे में विवरण प्रदान करती है कि विश्व स्तरीय विनिर्माण उत्कृष्टता/गुणवत्ता प्रणाली को कैसे स्थापित और संचालित किया जाए। यह पूरी तरह से बताता है कि कैसे किसी भी संगठन के गुणवत्ता कार्यों को अधिक दक्षता और गति के लिए स्वचालित किया जा सकता है। अधिक जानकारी के लिए नीचे स्क्रॉल करें...

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और जाने

This book provides details on how to set-up and operate a world-class manufacturing excellence/quality systems. It thoroughly explains how quality functions of any organization can be automated for more efficiency and speed. It further details ways to adapt cutting-edge quality management & manufacturing excellence tools used by world-class industries to enhance operational effectiveness and business profitability.

The straightforward book, sectioned into 23 chapters, consists of key concepts and best practices in quality & manufacturing excellence including benchmarking, product quality planning, process control planning, cellular manufacturing, single piece flow, value stream mapping, process capability, failure mode & effect analysis (FMEA), process improvement & root cause analysis, the total quality management approach, digital manufacturing, process walk, ISO management systems, production part approval process (PPAP) and many others.

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This book is written to meet the need of process operators, production/manufacturing personnel, supervisors, managers and business leaders of all levels, quality assurance/quality control professionals of any industry, business owners/entrepreneurs, and anyone who desire to improve their skills and knowledge of quality management and manufacturing excellence.

Get it on AMAZON Here!

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