सिक्स सिग्मा तकनीकों और उपकरणों का एक सेट है जो विनिर्माण और व्यावसायिक प्रक्रियाओं में दोषों को पहचानने, हटाने और परिवर्तनशीलता को कम करके प्रक्रियाओं और प्रक्रिया आउटपुट की गुणवत्ता में सुधार करना चाहता है। यह प्रशिक्षण सामग्री शिक्षार्थियों को यह सिखाने के लिए विकसित की गई है कि चरणों के सरल अनुक्रम के साथ सिक्स सिग्मा परियोजनाओं की योजना कैसे बनाएं और कैसे कार्यान्वित करें। इस विशेषज्ञता वाले पेशेवर अत्यधिक मूल्यवान हैं, और पाठ्यक्रम आपको ऐसा पेशेवर बनने में मदद करेगा। अधिक जानकारी के लिए नीचे स्क्रॉल करें...

$12 $60-80%

और जाने

Six Sigma is a set of techniques and tools which seek to improve the quality of processes and process outputs by identifying, removing defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes.

This training material is developed to teach learners how to plan and execute Six Sigma projects with simple sequence of steps. Professionals with this expertise are highly valued, and the course will help you become such a professional.

Training outcome

At the end of the training, the facilitator would have been able to help students master the principles, tools and techniques required for continual process Improvement; and be able to creatively implement them with a view to transforming their processes to one that consistently meets customers' requirements.

The training material is tailored to meet the need of:

  1. Quality control/Quality Assurance personnel and managers
  2. Project team members, coordinators, supervisors and managers.
  3. Quality management students and professionals.
  4. Individuals who wish to improve their knowledge of Six Sigma.
  5. Business leaders and managers, line supervisors/managers, customer service personnel and managers.
  6. Engineers, manufacturing and production officers, technicians and technologists.

After payment, you will immediately receive an email with a link to download this material.

संबंधित प्रोडक्ट्स