सॉफ्टएक्सपर्ट पीपीएम सॉफ्टवेयर परियोजनाओं, पोर्टफोलियो और व्यावसायिक पहलों को प्राथमिकता देने, योजना बनाने, प्रबंधन और क्रियान्वित करने के लिए सबसे व्यापक समाधान है। सॉफ्टवेयर कंपनी भर में किसी भी परियोजना-केंद्रित व्यावसायिक अनुप्रयोगों में फिट बैठता है, जैसे कि रणनीतिक पहल और निवेश, उत्पाद विकास, नवाचार और छह सिग्मा कार्यक्रम, सेवा वितरण, परिसंपत्ति रखरखाव, संसाधन क्षमता योजना, सॉफ्टवेयर विकास और कार्यान्वयन, निर्माण, आदि। नीचे स्क्रॉल करें। अधिक जानकारी के लिए...
SoftExpert PPM software is the most comprehensive solution for prioritizing, planning, managing and executing projects, portfolios and business initiatives. The software fits any project-focused business applications across the company, such as strategic initiatives and investments, product development, innovation and six sigma programs, service delivery, asset maintenance, resource capacity planning, software development and implementation, construction, etc.
The software helps organizations complete projects on-time and within budget by enabling project managers and team members to optimize time and deadline scheduling, resource utilization, milestone and deliverable completion, cost and revenue accounting, etc.
The modular, scalable suite includes project planning, workforce scheduling, cost and revenue accounting, document management, quality management, risk management, portfolio management, process management, demand and service management, and others.
SoftExpert PPM provides a comprehensive set of workflow and collaboration capabilities guiding managers and team members throughout the end-to-end project lifecycle starting from capturing business demands to solution delivery. The software streamlines communication and information distribution through graphical workflow modeling, interactive configurable forms, and rich visual dashboards, ensuring quality, repeatability and control to the delivery of project tasks and work packages.
SoftExpert PPM software gives managers a real-time view into their organization’s investments, initiatives and resources, and empowers decision makers to prioritize their investment based on key selection criteria such as benefits, timeframe, cost and risk to ensure better alignment with the organization’s business strategies and governance policies.
Quickly and easily develop detailed and professional project schedules complete with task descriptions, durations, resource assignments and task dependencies. Maintain a complete model of the organization’s capacity and resource planning, skills inventory, total workload and resource demand, and plan how to mitigate risks.
Intuitive tools for managing project scope, schedules, stakeholders, quality, costs, resources and more.
Built-in GANTT Chart.
Single repository for all the portfolios initiatives rankings and evaluations.
Centralized task manager, alerts and notifications.
Straightforward status reports.
Customizable dashboards with automatically updated information.
Traditionally when enterprise professionals discussed the ROI of an investment, they were mostly thinking of the "financial" benefits. Today, organizations must also consider the "non-financial" benefits of an investment.
Financial Benefits include impacts on the organization's budget and finances, e.g., reduced costs or increased revenues.
Non-Financial Benefits are the so-called "intangible", "soft", or "unquantifiable" benefits of an investment. Unlike financial returns, there may be no widely-accepted metrics for organizations to apply. However, the SoftExpert solutions present undeniable potential for producing positive impacts on business performance and mission results. These include improved customer satisfaction, more precise information and a shorter cycle time.
The SoftExpert Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) solution offers the following benefits:
Annual Savings
Return on Investment (%)
Payback Period (years)