दृश्य प्रबंधन एक ऐसी तकनीक है जो लेबल और संकेतों, सूचना प्रदर्शित करने, दृश्य नियंत्रण, रंग कोडिंग और अन्य चिह्नों का उपयोग करती है, जो केवल लिखित निर्देशों के बजाय आसानी से देखे जा सकते हैं। अधिक जानकारी के लिए नीचे स्क्रॉल करें...

$17 $80-78.75%

और जाने

Visual Management is a technique that makes use of labels and signs, information displays, visual controls, color coding and other markings that can easily be sighted instead of mere wordy written instructions. This template will enable detecting abnormalities in processes and reinforcing standards, ensuring that stability and safety remain a top priority. It also provides an opportunity for performance review and promotes continuous improvement.

The template contained in this toolkit are presented in Word, Excel spreadsheet and/or PowerPoint format that be modified to suit specific organizational needs.

Among the over 20 templates contained in this toolkit includes:

  • Visual management audit checklists,
  • Process walk interviews,
  • Process map templates and examples,
  • Process flow charts and examples,
  • 5S audit checklists,
  • Value Stream Map (VSM) etc.

After payment, you will immediately receive an email with a link to download this kit.

Watch the FREE DEMO video below...

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